Aperiodic crystals (incommensurately modulated phases, incommensurate composite crystals
and quasicrystals) are found in many different systems such as minerals,
the elements at high pressures, various inorganic compounds,
molecular crystals and intermetallics. Their identification is nowadays
easier thanks to the steady improvement of instrumentation, modern X-ray
and neutron detectors and advanced transmission electron microscopes. The
knowledge of the atomic structure of aperiodic crystals is a key point
for the understanding of their chemical and physical properties. However,
this still remains difficult for the non-specialist. This two-day satellite
meeting offers a basic and tutorial introduction to structural analysis of
periodic crystals. The general concepts of the high-dimensional crystallography
will be introduced step by step and they will be applied to a few organic and
inorganic materials. A hands-on exercise will be organized for simple examples.
Organizing committee:
M. de Boissieu (Chair)
M. Perez Mato (co-chair)
A. Abakumov, G. Chapuis,
S. van Smaalen, M. Dusek,
M. E. Gonzales Mosquera
M. de Boissieu (Chair)
M. Perez Mato (co-chair)
A. Abakumov, G. Chapuis,
S. van Smaalen, M. Dusek,
M. E. Gonzales Mosquera
Scientific advisory board:
The IUCr commission on Aperiodic Crystals
The IUCr commission on Aperiodic Crystals
Late registration is possible untill August 18!
School location
The school will take place at the Alcala University:
10 Plaza de Cervantes
28801 Alcala de Henares.
10 Plaza de Cervantes
28801 Alcala de Henares.
Alcala de Henares is a beautiful historical
Spanish city, conveniently located about 30 minutes from the Madrid international
airport. For details see this
Turist guide.
We recommend either PARTNER CISNEROS HOTEL or SAN ILDEFONSO RESIDENCE. Details are given in the Leaflet. Booking can be done through the registration form (see Registration and deadlines).
We recommend either PARTNER CISNEROS HOTEL or SAN ILDEFONSO RESIDENCE. Details are given in the Leaflet. Booking can be done through the registration form (see Registration and deadlines).
A. Abakumov, University of Antwerp, Belgium
G. Chapuis, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland,
M. de Boissieu, SIMaP, CNRS, Grenoble, France
S. van Smaalen, Bayreuth University, Bayreuth, Germany
H. Takakura, Hokkaido University, Japan
J. Haderman, Antverp University, Antverp, Netherlands
G. Chapuis, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland,
M. de Boissieu, SIMaP, CNRS, Grenoble, France
S. van Smaalen, Bayreuth University, Bayreuth, Germany
H. Takakura, Hokkaido University, Japan
J. Haderman, Antverp University, Antverp, Netherlands
Introduction to aperiodic crystals (1:30):
- How to recognize aperiodic structure
- Diffraction pattern and indexing
- Various type of aperiodic order
- Examples of different materials
- Example of the sinusoidally modulated chain explained in details.
Introduction to superspace crystallography (1:30):
- A simple 1D - 2D example such as the sinusoidally modulated chain.
- Concept of superspace group
- Modulation functions and their symmetry properties
- Structural parameters and t plots
Example of displacive incommensurate modulations (2:00)
(a simple example treated step by step):
- Diffraction pattern, indexing and symmetry determination
- Determination of the basic structure and modulation parameters
- Refinement
- Interpretation
Introduction to quasicrystals (2:00):
- Discovery of QC. Definition of QC
- Family of QC/ samples
- Fibonacci chain and 1D-2D example / differences with incommensurate
- Characteristic of diffraction pattern
- Basis of structure determination.
Example of composite structure (1:30):
- Composites structure
- Direct and reciprocal space: comparison with incommensurate structures
- Symmetry aspects
- Modeling
- Refinement and interpretation
Icosahedral quasicrystals (1:30):
- Icosahedral quasicrystal
- Example of the CdYb QC
- Step by step structure determination.
Tutorial: Example of incommensurate modulations (2:00)
(a simple example of step-like occupational modulation):
- Diffraction pattern
- Modeling the structure with the crenel functions
- Combination of occupational and displacive modulations
- Refinement
- Interpretation
Registration and deadlines
Registration fees:
Student or young scientists (under 30 years old): 130 €
Academic researchers: 230 €
Full registration: 500 €
Student or young scientists (under 30 years old): 130 €
Academic researchers: 230 €
Full registration: 500 €
The registration fee covers the welcome party, two lunches, the
satellite meeting dinner and coffee breaks. The registration fee has
to be paid using the registration form. Hotel reservation is to be carried
out separately using the form. Prices are about 50 €/night, the room
can be shared.
How to register:
For registration, please fill in this registration form and send it back to the General Foundation of the University of Alcala by fax, e-mail or mail (the adress is given in the registration form)
For registration, please fill in this registration form and send it back to the General Foundation of the University of Alcala by fax, e-mail or mail (the adress is given in the registration form)
Deadlines for Registration and hotel booking:
July 10th 2011
Participant are expected to arrive on the 30 September by the end of
the afternoon.
The registration will be open from 18h to 20h and will be followed up by a get together party
The meeting will end on the 1 september at 16h.
The registration will be open from 18h to 20h and will be followed up by a get together party
The meeting will end on the 1 september at 16h.
e-mail : crystals2011@fgua.es; Marc.de-Boissieu@simap.grenoble-inp.fr
Tel : 33 (0)4 76 82 65 18
Fax : 33 (0)4 76 82 66 44
Tel : 33 (0)4 76 82 65 18
Fax : 33 (0)4 76 82 66 44
IUCr Scientific Freedom Policy Statement. The Organizing Committee of the International School on Aperiodic
Crystals shall observe the basic policy of non-discrimination and affirms the right and freedom of scientists to associate in
international scientific activity without regard to such factors as ethnic origin, religion, citizenship, language,
political stance, gender, sex or age, in accordance with the Statutes of the International Council for Science.
At this International school no barriers will exist which would prevent the participation of bona fide scientists.